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Mostafa Dafer

Computer & Communication Eng. Stdnt. Founder & CEO of CoolesTech Knows Arabic; English, learning French, Chinese, and Japanese About me:

iMusic, That’s What We Call “Wireless Music”!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Gadgets

Please visit the post to view this video Now that's different. On the go music fans (like me 😉 ) now have the chance to listen to their music wirelessly while hiding from the cold! Ideal for buses, trains, planes or simple walks outdoors, the iMusic Hat is the perfect accompaniment when on the move or standing in the cold waiting for a bus. The hat is powered through your music player/phone, so no batteries are required. Think we've found the ultimate wintergift 😉 Features: • Compatible Read more [...]

Vote for CoolesTech Team, representing RHU, BAU, & Lebanon in an International Contest!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Entertainment & News, Featured, العربية

We are representing the universities of: BAU & RHU as well as representing Lebanon in an international contest (Startup Weekend)! You can vote multiple times, 1 time per 24 hours. Vote Here   فريقنا يمثل جامعة رفيق الحريري والجامعة العربية في بيروت، كما يمثل لبنان أمام دول العالم في مسابقة ريادة الأعمال العالمية. يحق لكم التصويت عدة مرات، مرة كل 24 ساعة. صوتوا Read more [...]

Release! Real Angry Birds Slinger Controller! DIY

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Gadgets

We've used the NES game controllers long time ago... Evolution, as they call it, changed the way we used to play games; we were then introduced to computer "Keyboard & mouse" gaming. Then came along the "new" game consoles controllers, PS, Xbox, etc... Today, it's time to revolutionize the gaming world again, most probably by using game-specific controllers! So here you go, a real "slinger" for Angry Birds! The best part is: Do it yourself (DIY)! here's the video: Click here to watch the Read more [...]

عندما يلتقي القلم وفن التصوير… ابداع بلا حدود

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, العربية

لطاما شاهدنا صوراً فوتوغرافية خلابة من مصورين محترفين أو هواة... فماذا لو استطعنا دمج فن الرسم مع هذا الفن الحديث؟! إليكم النتيجة: ما تشاهدونه امامكم هو من ابداع الرسام " Ben Heine" var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { Read more [...]

حرب الكهرباء، عندما تصبح لعبة مورتال كومبات حقيقة في ايرلندا

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, العربية

لطالما شاهدنا عروضا مختلفة وبهرنا بها... وها نحن اليوم نشهد عرضا من نوع جديد. قد يبدو المشهد مألوفا لمحبي لعبة "Mortal Combat"! ومن يدري، قد تصبح الكهرباء فنا استعراضيا يوما ما كما في الفيديو الآتي: اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الفيديو ما تشاهدونه هو حدث حقيقي في احتفال "Belfast Festival" في ايرلندا! اتساءل Read more [...]

Microsoft & Windows 8… Making the Future!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Tips & Tricks

In this Post we will Go through  some amazing &  important features that Microsoft is offering in its Windows 8 Products. Warning: If you are not willing to buy a new device or don't need to spend money to buy tech gadget stuff please don't read this post... hahaha just kidding. Let's Start: Friday, 26 October 2012 the whole world woke up eager & thirsty awaiting the release of Microsoft's new Products followed by the Windows that is described by the most Secure, Fastest, Fluid & Read more [...]

Nokia is Back, Let the Lumia Revolution Begin!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Gadgets

Nokia is back, but this time coming with a special smart phone that is now pledged to be the revolutionary Windows Phone 7.x device! For Windows users that revolution is a favor indeed, connecting all windows media together in a very easy and smooth way. First, we would like to thank Nokia Lebanon for giving us the chance to be of the first to experience the Lumia 710 & Lumia 900 phones in Lebanon even before being available in the Lebanese Market. The main differences between Lumia 710 Read more [...]

Samsung Galaxy S3 Vs iPhone 5… The Rumble Arena!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Gadgets

No offence, please accept my apologies iPhone & Apple Fans 🙂 Samsung makes its own comparison between the two best selling smartphones with a large print ad in national and local newspapers across the United States  with the headline  "It doesn’t take a genius." Here's the first ad... S3 Wins! now the funny thing is, another ad.  — presumably made by fans of Apple created by Tim Sears — tells the opposite of the story , giving the Samsung a taste of its own medicine, but Read more [...]

Nicekit Time Boss, Parental Control Software That We Can Trust!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Tips & Tricks

They say: times have changed; I say: people have changed as well... In less than a 100 years lots and lots of inventions strived to invade our homes... Televisions, computers, and lots of other devices, and while the television was the most to blame for social issues, computers and the internet where only identified as serious threats recently. As we always tend to solve our problems, several parental control and monitors emerged to save the day, but while software monitors and key-loggers flooded Read more [...]

اذني القطة ميمي تقرأ أفكارك وتظهر مشاعرك، في غاية الروعة

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in العربية

  لطالما اشتهرت الحيوانات باظهار مشاعرها من خلال تحريك اذنيها بدلا من اظهارها على وجهها... وها نحن اليوم نشهد ميزة جديدة تخرجنا عن المألوف وتحقق روايات لطالما كانت حلما في مخيلات مؤلفيها!   يتميز هذا الاختراع العجيب بالقدرة على تلق موجات الدماغ وتحديد المظهر المناسب من خلالها، Read more [...]

النوم برفقة الأسماك، حقيقة ام سراب!!!؟

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in العربية

  كثير منا هم من محبي الأسماك، ولكن ماذا لو وصل بنا الشغف الى ان لا نفارق هذه الكائنات الرائعة حتى اخر لحظات يومنا؟!! ما ترونه في الصورة مؤلف من مخزن 650 غالون مصنوع بواسطة "Acrylic Tank Manufacturing" وقد تمت استضافته في حلقة من برنامج "Animal Planet’s Tanked"   إليكم الفيديو: يمكنم الحصول على سرير Read more [...]

إلى كل عشاق انستاغرام، عندما يتحول الحلم الى حقيقة

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in العربية

  كلنا نعرف قصة انستاغرام الشهير وكيف أن شبكة الفيسبوك اشترته بمليار دولار... فان كنت ممن يعتقدون أن انستاغرام يساوي المبلغ المذكور فاليك نظارات "Instaglasses" التي تقدم مؤثرات انستاغرام على ارض الواقع!     تخيل رؤية الحياة من حولك بعيون انستاغرام! بمجرد الضغط على زر البدء تعمل Read more [...]

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