Archive for January, 2012

Contact Lens Monitors Blood Sugar!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Gadgets

The tears in your eyes carry a lot of information about you, so why not monitor your vitals with a contact lens? That idea is being taken seriously by Microsoft Research and the University of Washington. In a joint research project, the two institutions are developing a contact lens equipped with a glucose sensor that can monitor blood sugar and transmit the data wirelessly to another device. PHOTOS: Extraordinary Beauty of the NanoArt World This would be a big help to people with Type I diabetes Read more [...]

There’s Room For Every One at! ;-)

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Uncategorized is only 6 months old now, however, we're proud to announce that it has become very popular and an everyday must-see for a lot of fans and friends! Thanks to all who have supported us so far,  thanks to the kind authors, and thank you our beloved readers 🙂 . يسرنا أن نعلن عن افتتاح أقسام جديدة على موقعنا، على الرغم من أن الموقع لا يتعدى عمره الستة شهور إلا أنه حصل بفضل الله Read more [...]

400,000 Israeli Credit Cards & Information Leaked by Saudi Arabia Hackers

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Entertainment & News, Uncategorized

Hacker named "0xOmar" from group-xp, largest Wahhabi hacker group of Saudi Arabia claim to Hack lot of Israeli servers, lot of information about Israeli people including their name, address, city, zipcode, Social Security Numbers (Israeli IDnumbers), mobile phone number, home phone number, credit card number (including exp year, month and CVV), all belong to Israeli people only. Hacker says "We daily use these cards to solve our problems, purchasing VPNs, VPSes, softwares, renting GPU clusters, Read more [...]

Hackers launching own satellites in orbit to beat Censorship!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Entertainment & News, Uncategorized

Worried about Internet censorship by SOPA and PIPA ? Wait !! This News is for you , Hackers plan to take the internet beyond the reach of censors by putting their own communication satellites into orbit. Good guy hackers plan to launch satellites to fight the Stop Online Piracy Act and create a censorship-free Internet. According to BBC News Technology Reporter David Meyer, the plan, which was detailed this week during the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) in Berlin, is in response Read more [...]

Virtual-Reality Scent System Fools Flavor Sense!

Written by Mahmoud Basho on . Posted in Featured, Gadgets

What you see and smell is what you taste... Photo: University of Tokyo Sights, sounds, and more recently, touch are commonly employed to create and enhance virtual-reality (VR) experiences. But the sense of smell is rarely a factor. A small group of researchers at the University of Tokyo is working to change that by integrating the sense of smell and sight in a way that alters a person’s perception of taste. Their VR system was able to trick people who were eating a plain cookie Read more [...]

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